How To Make Mornings Easier - Part Two

parenting stress management Dec 14, 2020

Mornings can be rough when we are just trying to get ourselves together - add kiddos into the mix and the difficulty multiplies (sometimes exponentially). I’ve been the mom barking orders at everyone to get out of the house, and I am now the mom who on most days, can send her kids off to school peacefully. This tip is GREAT for distance learning but really can be used for all school set-ups.

How to use a morning meeting to help increase the peace, navigate distance learning, or just get everyone on the same page:



  • Let your kids know that you will start meeting in the mornings to organize the day (before you actually start meeting)

  • Set up some general agreements (rules) for expectations during the meeting (i.e. no devices, one person talks at a time, kindness towards each other, etc.). Keep the agreements simple (roughly 3-5) and let your kids help develop them.


  • You can schedule the frequency to meet your families needs. Maybe you start with Monday and set the tone for the week. Maybe you meet daily.

  • For the first few meetings and whenever it seems necessary, review your family agreements.

  • Start with a check-in. This helps you take the “emotional temperature of your family” and helps adjust expectations accordingly. You can find check-in examples on our Youtube channel.

    • Your kids’ responses to the check-in will give you valuable information. If they are having a rough morning, you are at least prepared for it. 

    • If possible you can also adjust the day to help them do more difficult things when their mood has improved.

    • You also can also help them do something to help improve their mood either by doing it with them or suggesting they do it.

  • Review any items/business necessary (i.e. daily schedule, track progress on projects, discuss behavioral expectations, provide encouragement, affirm your kiddos).

  • HAVE FUN! 

These are EXACTLY the tools I’ve taught hundreds of educators to use to help make days run smoother, and parents are using this model and LOVING the results.

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